Tuesday, 24 September 2013

蓝莓芝士挞 (Blueberry Cheese Tart III)

Crust (10 tarts):
  • 70g Unsalted Butter
  • 35g Icing Sugar (sifted)
  • 140g Low Protein Flour (sifted)
  • 20g Egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  1. Put in butter, sifted icing sugar and sifted flour into a mixing bowl.
  2. Blend until mixture resembles coarse bread crumbs.
  3. Add egg and vanilla essence, knead to form a dough. Do not over knead your dough.
  4. Wrap dough with cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  5. Take a little portion of dough and press dough into tart cases, trim off edge.
  6. Use a fork to poke holes in the bottom of tart.
  7. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.
Cream Cheese Fillings:
  • 125g Cream Cheese
  • 30g Castor Sugar (reduce sugar if prefer less sweet)
  • 10g Unsalted Butter
  • 50g Egg
  • some Blueberry Jam
  1. To make filling, combine cream cheese, sugar and butter in a clean bowl. Cream all the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Add in egg and mix well.
  3. Spoon the filling into the tarts. Add some blueberry jam. Use a tooth pick to draw out the jam.
  4. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 8-10 minutes.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

芝士相思蛋糕 (Cheese Ogura Cake)

  • 30g 粟米油
  • 125g 奶油乳酪
  • 100ml 牛奶
  • 4个 蛋黃
  • 1个 全蛋
  • 70g 低粉
  • 4个 蛋白 
  • 70g 幼糖
  1. 将粟米油,奶油乳酪和牛奶隔水溶化。
  2. 把蛋黄和全蛋稍微打发,加入1,再筛入低粉拌匀。
  3. 蛋白打至发泡,分三次加入幼糖打至湿性发泡。
  4. 分三次拌入蛋黄糊,轻轻的用抹刀把面糊从下往上推,搅拌均匀。
  5. 倒入7寸涂了油的方模,轻轻敲出空气。
  6. 放入烤炉最底层,蒸烘式160度,烤30分钟,降温150度,烤20分钟。
  7. 出炉后,倒扣待凉后才切开享用。

上海月饼 (Shanghai Mooncake)

A) 125g 牛油,70g 糖粉,30g 鸡蛋
B) 200g 普通面粉,25g 吉士粉

馅料:560g 白莲蓉,8粒 咸蛋黄


  1. 馅料分成8份,每份70g, 中间放入已经烤或蒸熟的咸蛋黄, 再揉成圆形待用。
  2. 将材料A用搅拌器搅均匀即可,加入材料B拌成软团。
  3. 把面团分成8等份(每份大概55g), 包入馅料,揉成圆形,排放在烤盘上,涂抹蛋液,放上瓜子仁作装饰。
  4. 放入烤箱以175度烘烤约10分钟,取出,再抹上蛋液,再烘约10分钟至金黄色即可。

Monday, 16 September 2013

柠檬蛋糕 (Lemon Loaf Cake)

  • 125g butter (softened)
  • 1 cup castor sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 185g self-raising flour (sifted)
  • 1/2 cup milk 
  • 1 large lemon (rind finely grated, juiced)
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar (Glaze)
  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease a loaf pan.
  2. Using an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. 
  3. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition.
  4. Add half the flour and half the milk to egg mixture. Gently stir to combine. Fold in remaining flour, milk and lemon rind
  5. Spoon mixture into loaf pan. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
  6. Combine lemon juice and 1/2 cup sugar in saucepan. Stir and heat till sugar is dissolved. Spoon evenly over top of hot loaf. Stand in pan until cooled.

巧克力布朗尼 (Chocolate Brownies)

  • 75g Chocolate
  • 110g Butter
  • 2 Eggs
  • 200g Sugar
  • 1/2tsp Salt
  • 1/2tsp Vanilla
  • 75g High Protein Flour
  • 50g Walnuts
  • 1/4tsp Baking Powder
  1. Melt Chocolate and butter using double boiler. Allow to cool.
  2. Whisk eggs, sugar and salt until well mixed, but do not foam.
  3. Stir in vanilla.
  4. Slowly blend in chocolate mixture.
  5. Sift flour and baking powder onto mixture and fold.
  6. Fold in the walnuts.
  7. Bake at 165C for 1 hour.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

面粉糕 (Handmade Noodle Soup)

  • 200g 面粉
  • 1个 鸡蛋
  • 1/2小匙 盐
  • 适量 温水
  • 1匙 油 
  1. 把所有材料放进大碗中,用搅拌器搅至面团不沾容器即可。
  2. 放2个小等待发起。
  • 200g 肉碎(用少许粟粉,麻油和酱油腌制一下)
  • 8朵 冬菇(浸软切丝)
  • 6粒 猪肉丸
  • 江鱼仔
  • 小葱头
  • 菜心
  1. 将小葱头,切成薄片,热油炸至金黄色,捞起。
  2. 江鱼仔洗净,沥干,炸至金黄色,备用。
  3. 热油爆香蒜米,加入肉碎炒至香,用酱油,胡椒粉调味炒匀。
  4. 倒入少许水,炒至汁料稍干,盛起。
  5. 再把香菇炒香,备用。
  6. 倒入高汤,汤滚后转小火,就把面粉团 拉成薄片放入汤中。
  7. 拉完后,转大火加入菜心和猪肉丸,煮好就可以倒入碗中。
  8. 然后加入配料(江鱼仔,炸葱 ,香菇,肉碎),即可上桌。

Friday, 13 September 2013

烧包 (Flaky Pastry with BBQ pork filling)

(Pastry Recipe Source: http://cathyfalicy.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_20.html)

200g普通面粉、60g牛油、2汤匙糖、100ml清水 - 揉成面团

160g普通面粉、100g白油 - 揉成团

  1. 将A和B面团各分成20份,搓圆。
  2. 用A包入B,擀成长形,卷起,重复这步骤一次,然后搓圆休息10分钟。
  3. 再将面团擀成圆薄片,包入馅料以螺旋形折起,排放在烤盘上,涂上蛋液,放入预热烤箱以200度烤15分钟。
  4. 取出再涂上蛋液,洒上少许芝麻,继续烤15分钟至金黄色即可。

Thursday, 12 September 2013

叉烧餐包 (BBQ Pork Bun)

  • 200克 叉烧(切小粒)
  • 3汤匙 玫瑰花酒
  • 2汤匙 麻油
  • 2汤匙 蚝油
  • 1汤匙 酱油
  • 1汤匙 糖
  • 适量 黑酱油
  • 少许 木薯粉(加少许水打欠)
  • 10粒 小葱头(切片)
  1. 热锅放少许油,把小葱头炸香。
  2. 放入切好的叉烧炒片刻。
  3. 加蚝油,麻油,酱油,盐,糖和适量的黑酱油调味。
  4. 倒入水,焖至水稍微干,勾欠,煮至浓状即可。放凉备用。
  • 140g 高筋面粉
  • 20g 中筋面粉
  • 5g 奶粉
  • 20g 幼糖
  • 3g 即溶酵母
  • 13g 全蛋
  • 83g 水
  • 15g 奶油
  1. 将所有材料,加入盆內,用低速搅拌成面团。
  2. 再加入奶油,打到面团可以拉成薄膜狀即可。蓋好,放在溫暖处发酵。
  3. 当面团发酵到双倍大,把面团取出, 排气。
  4. 将面团分分割成8份(每份40克,可以随自己喜欢的份量或大小), 松弛10分钟。
  5. 把叉燒餡料包入, 排在烤盘上, 进行最后发酵30-40分钟(再次发酵至双倍大)。
  6. 发酵完毕, 刷上蛋液。
  7. 放入预热180度的烤箱, 烤12-15分钟。

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

蚝油菜心 (Green Vege with Oyster Sauce)



  • 新鲜菜心
  • 少许 食油
  • 半汤匙 蚝油
  • 半汤匙 酱油
  • 半汤匙 蒜末


  1. 把菜心清洗干净。锅中放水,加盐、油。
  2. 水开后放菜心,翻一翻,捞出菜心,压干水分倒盘里。
  3. 锅内放少许油,加蒜末炒一炒,加蚝油、酱油、加一些水。
  4. 然后将蚝油酱淋在菜心上即可。

Monday, 9 September 2013

猪肚鱼鳔汤 (Pig Stomach Fish Maw Soup)

  • 4粒 干瑶柱(泡好)
  • 半只 乌鸡(洗净,切块)
  • 1罐 海卢笋
  • 鱼鳔(泡好,切块)
  • 1小把 枸子
  • 10粒 红枣
  • 姜(去皮,切片)
  • 1个 猪肚(把猪肚洗净, 将猪肚翻过来反复用盐搓揉,清洗干净它的粘液,烧开水,用慢火炖一个小时,将猪肚捞起,切片)
  1. 把乌鸡,枸子,红枣,干瑶柱和姜,放入汤褒,中小火炖1小时。
  2. 加入猪肚炖半小时。
  3. 再放入海卢笋和鱼鳔煮熟。
  4. 最后放极少量的盐调味即成。

绿茶相思蛋糕 (Green Tea Ogura Cake)

  • 70g Milk 
  • 40g Vegetable oil
  • 55g Cake flour
  • 4g Green Tea Powder 
  • 4 Egg yolks + 1 whole egg (60g each) 
  • 150g Egg white 
  • 1/4 tsp Cream of tartar 
  • 60g Sugar
  1. Line baking sheet at the bottom of an ungreased 7 inch square pan and preheat the oven to 160C with a tray of boiling water on the most bottom rack.
  2. Whisk egg yolks,and vegetable oil until frothy and add milk, mix well. Sift in flour and green tea powder, mix well set aside.
  3. Using an electric mixer, whisk egg white, cream of tartar and castor sugar till peak form (not stiff).
  4. Mix 1/3 of meringue with yolk batter with a rubber spatula. Then pour in balance of meringue. Fold gently to mix well.
  5. Pour batter into pan and tap pan lightly to remove air bubbles.
  6. Steam bake for 40 minutes at 160°C and bake for another 20 minutes at lower temperature 140°C.Remove cake immediately after baked and invert cake on wire rack to cool.

绿茶马卡龙 (Green Tea Macaron)

  • 40g Egg Whites
  • 46g Castor Sugar
  • 50g Ground Almond
  • 38g Icing Sugar
  • 3g Green Tea Powder
  1. Sift together the ground almonds with the icing sugar and green tea powder, set aside.
  2. Whisk the egg whites, adding the castor sugar gradually, whisk to glossy firm peaks. 
  3. Fold the dry ingredients into the beaten egg whites in 3 batches until well incorporated. 
  4. Transfer the mixture into the piping bag with plain tip (10 mm), pipe out 4 cm rounds. Let it rest until dry to the touch.
  5. Preheat oven to 180C, put the macaroons at lowest rack, immediately reduced to 150C, bake for 8 min, reduced temperature to 130C, bake for another 2 min.
  6. Lastly, reduced the temperature to 110C, bake for 5 min.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

法式千层蛋糕 (Bailey Raisin Mille Crepe)

Bailey Raisin Mille Crepe (make 1 x 7” cake)
(original recipe source: http://nasilemaklover.blogspot.com/2011/03/mango-mille-crepe-fruity-march.html)

Ingredients (For the bailey raisin cream):
  • 300g non-dairy whipping cream
  • 3tbsp Bailey
  • 100g Raisin
  1. In a mixing bowl, beat whipping cream on high speed until thick and stiff.
  2. Add in the rest of ingredients, combine well and chill in the refrigerator.
Ingredients (For the crepes):
  • 3 eggs
  • 500ml full cream milk
  • 150g all purpose flour
  • 45g melted butter
  1. Lightly whisk eggs, add in milk and melted butter, sift in flour and combine well.
  2. Strain and cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight, this allows the gluten in the flour a chance to relax.
  3. Place a 7-inch nonstick pan over low heat.
  4. Add a ladle of crepe batter and quickly tilt the pan to coat the entire surface evenly in a thin layer and pour the excess of batter.
  5. While cooking, trim off the excess crepe at the area where the batter was pour out.
  6. Cook only one side until golden (less than 1min) and remove crepe by lifting it by the edges.
  7. Continue cooking the rest of the crepes, stacking up the crepes as you work.
To assemble Mille Crepe:
  1. Using a spatula or pastry scraper, spread a thin layer of mango cream on the first crepe.
  2. Repeat the layers to make a stack of 20-22.
  3. Chill for overnight. Serve cold.

意大利肉酱千层面 (Chicken Lasagna)



Friday, 6 September 2013

港式番茄鸡 (HK Style Crispy Chicken with Tomato Sauce)

  • 1 Chicken Breast (cut cubes)
  • 1 egg (slightly beaten)
  • Corn Flour
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • Prego Tomato Sauce
  1. Marinate chicken with salt and pepper.
  2. Dip chicken into egg, coat chicken with the corn flour.
  3. Deep fry the chicken until golden brown.
  4. In a saucepan, heat tomato sauce, pour sauce over deep fried chicken. Serve with rice, broccoli and fried egg .
Side Dish:
  • 1 Broccoli (cut into smaller florets)
  1. Trim the broccoli into serving size pieces. 
  2. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. 
  3. Once the water is boiling, reduce heat to a medium simmer and cook for 5-10 minutes, or until they reach the degree of softness you desire. Remove vegetables as they soften.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

草莓优格杯子蛋糕 (Strawberry Yogurt Cupcakes)

  • 2个 蛋白
  • 50克 幼糖
  • 2个 蛋黄
  • 15克 草莓优格
  • 15克 粟米油
  • 60克 低粉+1克 泡打粉 (过筛)
  1. 将蛋黄,优格和油拌好,备用。
  2. 蛋白快速的打至起泡后慢慢加入幼糖打至硬性发泡。
  3. 把1/3的蛋白霜和蛋黄糊拌匀,加入低粉拌匀。
  4. 最后分两次把2和3拌匀,倒入小杯子(7-8分满)。
  5. 放入预热烤箱,160°C烤20-30分钟。

  • 2 Egg Whites
  • 50g Castor Sugar
  • 2 Egg Yolks
  • 15g Strawberry Yogurt
  • 15g Corn Oil
  • 60g Cake Flour + 1 g Baking Powder (Sifted)
  1. Mix the egg yolks with yogurt and corn oil until combined, set aside.
  2. Whip egg whites to soft peaks then add castor sugar. Whip until ribbon stage.
  3. Fold 1/3 of the meringue with egg yolks mixture until combined and then fold in the sifted flour.
  4. Fold in the remaining whipped meringue with the batter in two batches, fold until well incorporated. 
  5. Bake at pre-heated oven 160°C for 20-25 minutes.

Monday, 2 September 2013

迷迭香烤鸡 (Roasted Stuffed Chicken)

  • 1只 鸡 (1.6公斤)
  • 3枝 迷迭香
  • 适量 盐、黑胡椒、蒜粉
  • 5瓣 大蒜
  • 1个 柠檬
  • 2个 洋葱(切成小方块)
  • 2枝 西芹(切小粒)
  • 200g 栗子(我用包装,可以即食的)
  • 小番茄(切半)
  • 适量盐、胡椒粉
  • 1汤匙 牛油
  1. 先把鸡洗净,用吸油纸把水抹干。
  2. 撒上盐、黑胡椒、蒜粉和迷迭香,抹在全鸡身上。
  3. 再用少许盐、黑胡椒、蒜粉和迷迭香,涂在鸡身内部。
  4. 包上保鲜纸,放入冰箱腌制4小时。
  5. 热锅,放入牛油,先把洋葱炒香。
  6. 再加入西芹、栗子和小番茄炒片刻。
  7. 加入适量盐、胡椒粉调味,然后放凉。
  8. 把放凉的配料从鸡尾塞进鸡肚里。
  9. 用柠檬塞着鸡尾,再用牙签或竹签封口。
  10. 把鸡放在烤盘上,放1枝迷迭香,5瓣大蒜(连皮),用锡纸包着翅膀和鸡腿(以免烤焦)。
  11. 放入预热烤箱170度,烤45分钟,翻转另一边,再烤45分钟。
  12. 最后用上火,高温再烤10分钟,直至鸡皮金黄松脆,取出放凉10分钟。
  13. 把鸡放在碟子上。
  14. 用汤匙把鸡肚里的配料取出,放在碗上。
  15. 将烤盘上的鸡汁,倒在碗上,挤上柠檬汁,完成!

小猪猪月饼 (Handmade Piggy Mooncakes)

(Original Recipe Source: http://www.anncoojournal.com/2011/09/handmade-piggy-mooncakes.html)

  • 150g 香港粉(我用低筋面粉)
  • 90g 糖浆
  • 3g 枧水
  • 38g 油
  • 350g 榴莲连蓉馅
  • 1个 蛋黃+半茶匙水(扫蛋液)
  • 10颗 黑豆
  1. 将糖浆,枧水和油放进碗里,搅拌均匀。
  2. 倒入香港粉,拌勻成团狀。
  3. 盖上保鲜膜,静置40分钟。
  4. 把连蓉馅分割成5等份,每份70克,搓圆备用。
  5. 饼皮分成5份,每份50克,剩下的用来做眼、鼻、耳和猪尾。
  6. 桌上铺好塑料袋备用。
  7. 将饼皮搓圆,按扁,包入馅料,收口,搓成鸡蛋形,放在塑料袋上。
  8. 用牙签做眼线,然后在底部按上'T'痕,做猪猪的胖脸蛋。
  9. 再用剩下的面团做鼻子,贴上鼻子后,用牙签插两个洞。
  10. 把黑豆贴在眼线下,再用牙签做双眼线(我的小猪猪比较爱美,我自己帮它画上双眼线)。
  11. 在眼线上,贴上两个小圆团,做耳朵,再用牙签按两条线(又自作聪明了,觉得两条线比较美)。
  12. 轻轻的把塑料袋转到另一边,做猪屁屁。
  13. 用牙牙签在底部,按条直线,直线上面,贴上猪尾就完成啦!
  14. 把小猪慢慢的转移到已鋪上油紙的烤盘上。
  15. 除了眼、鼻、耳和猪尾,其他部分都扫上蛋液。
  16. 放入预热170度的烤箱,烤5分钟定型。
  17. 取出,放凉10分钟,把整只小猪猪都扫上蛋液(包括眼、鼻、耳、尾)。
  18. 再放入烤箱,烤8-10分钟,即可。