Tuesday, 24 April 2012

巧克力香蕉慕斯蛋糕 (Chocolate Banana Mousse Cake)

I made this cake to celebrate Valentine's Day with my husband. It was so delicious and he likes it so much! I'm happy that he enjoyed the cake. This is my third attempt

Chocolate Sponge Cake:
  • 3 Eggs
  • 70g Sugar
  • 70g Cake flour (sifted)
  • 15g Cocoa powder (sifted)
  • 20g butter (melted)
  • 15g Whipping cream (warm)
  1. Line round cake tin with baking paper
  2. Sift the flour with cocoa powder then set aside
  3. Whisk the eggs and add in sugar gradually until thick ribbon stage (thick and lighten)
  4. Take 1/4 of batter and mix with warm whipping cream and melted butter, fold to combine.
  5. Sprinkle the flour mixture over the egg batter, fold to combine.
  6. Mix the batter with the whipping cream, fold to combine
  7. Bake at preheated oven at 180 degree for 15-16 minutes
  • 35g Castor Sugar
  • 35g Hot water
  • 1 teaspoon Baileys
  1. Weight 35g sugar, add 35g hot boiling water and stir well until dissolved
  2.  Leave it cool and add 1 teaspoon Baileys
Chocolate Mousse:
  • Fresh Bananas (sliced)
  • 240g Dark Baking Chocolate
  • 80g Whipping Cream (1)
  • 320g Whipping Cream (2)
  1. Cook the whipping cream (1) with the chocolate in double boil method then stir until the chocolate melt.
  2. Let the chocolate mixture cool before mixing with the whipped cream.
  3. Whip the whipping cream (2) until ribbon stage.
  4. Pour whipped cream into the chocolate mixture and fold to combine.
  5. Refrigerate for 5-10 minutes (to make it a bit firm).
  6. Cut the chocolate sponge cake into two, to make two cakes.
  7. Place one of the sponge cake in the pan.
  8. Brush the syrups and place the sliced banana over the cake
  9. Apply half of the chocolate whipped cream (like apply frosting)
  10. Place another one of the sponge in the pan .
  11. Brush the syrups and place the sliced banana over the cake
  12. Apply another half of the chocolate whipped cream
  13. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours before serve.

Monday, 23 April 2012

莲蓉包咸蛋(Chinese Steamed Bun with Pandan Lotus Paste & Salted Egg Yolk Filling)

  • 500克 包粉
  • 1半 温水(量米杯)
  • 125克 细砂糖
  • 2茶匙 白油
  • 2茶匙 酵母 
  1. 把所有材料放入盆里(除了白油)揉成面团後,再加入白油继续揉(面团不要搓太久,搓均匀就可以了)
  2. 盖上保鮮膜,發酵至双倍大
  3. 把发酵完成的面团分成15等份,每份面团都用手指往中心按 
  4. 静置15分钟,可以包入內馅,收口捏合,并将收口朝下放在馒头纸上
  5. 再次发酵约30分钟。烧开水,用中火蒸7分钟即可 (切记锅盖一定要抹干,不然包子表皮就会有很多洞,那就不美了) 

蓝莓芝士挞 (Blueberry Cheese Tart II)

Blueberry Cheese Tart again! My second attempt using the same recipe

  • 140g Unsalted Butter
  • 70g Icing Sugar (sifted)
  • 280g Low Protein Flour (sifted)
  • 40g Egg
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  1. Put in butter, sifted icing sugar and sifted flour into a mixing bowl.
  2. Blend until mixture resembles coarse bread crumbs.
  3. Add egg and vanilla essence, knead to form a dough. Do not over knead your dough.
  4. Wrap dough with cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  5. Take a little portion of dough and press dough into tart cases, trim off edge.
  6. Use a fork to poke holes in the bottom of tart.
  7. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.

Cream Cheese Fillings:
  • 125g Cream Cheese
  • 30g Castor Sugar
  • 10g Unsalted Butter
  • 50g Egg
  • some Blueberry Jam
  1. To make filling, combine cream cheese, sugar and butter in a clean bowl. Cream all the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Add in egg and mix well.
  3. Spoon the filling into the tarts. Add some blueberry jam. Use a tooth pick to draw out the jam.
  4. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 8-10 minutes.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

南瓜炒饭(Pumpkin Fried Rice)


  • 1片 鸡胸肉
  1. 鸡胸肉用少许酱油胡椒粉 五香粉腌30分钟
  2. 热锅,放少许油煎金黄色即可。 

  • 1碗 饭
  • 1个 南瓜
  • 100克 海虾(将海虾洗净去壳)数粒 小葱头 (将葱头去头尾,切成小丁)
  • 少许盐
  • 少许胡椒粉
  1. 先切开南瓜顶部,挖去瓜囊,沿边起出部分南瓜肉切成小丁备用
  2. 把南瓜蒸10-20分钟至软
  3. 热锅,放少许油,先将葱头爆香,再下虾仁和南瓜粒一起炒
  4. 加入饭和盐,炒成金黄色即可

Saturday, 21 April 2012

汉堡包 (Ramly Jumbo Burger)

好久都没吃街边的"Burger Ramly"了,好怀念啊!上星期五,去霸级市场购物,买了Burger Ramly的鸡肉和汉堡面包。用热油煎一煎,热呼呼的汉包午餐就搞定了。

  • 1个 汉堡面包
  • 2 汉堡鸡肉
  • 1个 鸡蛋
  • 1个 新鲜番茄(切片)
  • 1个 日本黄瓜(切片)
  • 1巧达乳酪
  • 适量番茄
  • 适量辣椒

  1. 热锅加少许油,煎荷包蛋汉堡鸡肉
  2. 汉堡面包搽少许牛油, 热锅烤一烤,放在碟子上
  3. 少许辣椒番茄日本黄瓜番茄
  4. 夹入汉堡鸡肉巧达乳酪,即可食用
  • 1 Burger Bun
  • 2 Ramly Chicken Burger Meat
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Tomato (slice)
  • 1 Japanese Cucumber (slice)
  • 1 slice cheddar cheese
  • some tomato sauce
  • some chili sauce
  1. Pan fry egg and chicken burger meat
  2. Spread burger buns with butter and lightly fry it in
  3. Place bottom half of bun, top with slices cucumber, tomato, burger meat and cheddar cheese. Cover with top bun and serve.
  4. You may add tomato or chili sauce as you like.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

莲蓉肉松咸蛋酥(Flaky Mooncake with Lotus Paste, Salted Egg Yolk & Meat Floss Filling)

忙了几个星期,今天终于可以腾出时间,做我一直都很想做莲蓉肉松咸蛋酥。这食谱我看了好久好久,毕竟是第一次试做酥饼,原本打算要做跟食谱一模一样,8 个莲蓉酥。搓搓几下,就觉得如果做8个的话,酥饼会比较大。于是就把酥皮和莲蓉馅都分割成一半的分量,一口气做了16个莲蓉肉松咸蛋酥。其实过程还蛮辛苦 的,在忙着的同时,还要忙着准备晚餐,真真实实的multi-tasking。这个酥饼看来容易,其实一点都不简单啊!花了几个小时,热呼呼的莲蓉肉松咸 蛋酥,终于出炉了,好开心啊!

食谱是来自Jane's Corner,材料我稍为改了一些。

  • 油皮:面粉 85克,白油 30克,糖粉 7克,水 40克
  • 油酥:面粉 80克,白油 45克
  • 260克莲蓉馅 (分割16等份)
  • 适量肉松
  • 4个咸蛋黄((分割16等份)
  1. 油皮做法:面粉、油及糖粉混合,用叉子压搓成屑状,加入水揉至光滑,用保鲜膜盖着静置30分钟。分割16等份。
  2. 油酥做法:面粉及油一起揉成团即可。 休面30分钟。分割16等份。
  3. 取一 馅料包入适量肉松,搓圆备用。
  4. 将一份油皮压扁,包入一份油酥,捏紧收口,做成球状,即成油酥皮。
  5. 将油酥皮杆成椭圆形,大约长15公分,接着卷成筒状,松弛15分钟。
  6. 松弛后的油酥皮杆成长条形,大约20公分,接着卷成小筒状,松弛15分钟。
  7. 将每个油酥皮杆成圆片后包入馅料,捏紧收口,排入烤盘内。
  8. 均匀的扫上蛋液。
  9. 预热烤箱180度,烘烤22-25分钟或至表面金黄色。
  • water dough: 85g flour, 30g shortening, 7g icing sugar, 40g water
  • oil dough: 80g flour, 45g shortening
  • 260g lotus paste (divided into 16 portions)
  • some meat floss
  • 4 salted egg yolks (divided into 16 portions)
  1. water dough: mix all ingredient together to form a soft dough. Rest for 30 minutes. Divide into 16.
  2. oil dough: mixed flour and shortening together to form a dough. Do not over knead it. Rest for 30 minutes. Divide into 16.
  3. Flatten the filing and wrap with some meat floss. Set aside.
  4. Flatten a water dough and wrap one oil dough into it.
  5. With the heel of your palm, gently press the dough down to flatten it lightly. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough.
  6. Then roll up the dough like Swiss roll style. Rest 15 minutes.
  7. Turn the roll dough into 90 degrees, repeat step 5&6. Rest another 15 minutes.
  8. Roll out the dough into round shape, wrap up filling and seal edges facing downwards. Repeat process.
  9. Brush egg wash on the surface and bake in the oven for 22-25 minutes at 180C until golden brown.