Thursday, 29 August 2013

莫薩里拉芝士面包 (Mozzarella Cheese Bread)

(Bread recipe source:

  • 280g 高筋面粉
  • 40g 中筋面粉
  • 10g 奶粉
  • 40g 幼糖
  • 6g 即溶酵母
  • 25g 全蛋
  • 165g 水
  • 30g 奶油

上层:适量 莫薩里拉芝士丝(Mozzarella Cheese),切达芝士(Cheddar Cheese),幼糖

  1. 将所有材料,加入盆內,用低速搅拌成面团。
  2. 再加入奶油,打到面团可以拉成薄膜狀即可。蓋好,放在溫暖处发酵。
  3. 当面团发酵到双倍大,把面团取出, 排气。
  4. 将面团分分割成7-8份(随自己喜欢的份量或大小), 松弛10分钟。
  5. 把面团搓圆, 排在烤盘上, 进行最后发酵30-40分钟(再次发酵至双倍大)。
  6. 发酵完毕, 刷上蛋液(我没刷蛋液),撒上芝士和幼糖。
  7. 放入预热180度的烤箱, 烤12-15分钟。

Monday, 26 August 2013

香橙相思蛋糕 (Orange Ogura Cake)

听闻相思蛋糕是比戚风蛋糕更松更好吃,看见好友上传了她的相思蛋糕,我也忍不住要挑战一下。太久没做烘培了,我的相思蛋糕就差点败在我手里。我忘了用锡纸包着烤盘,烤到一半才发现水蒸气弄湿了蛋糕...伤心,我的第一个Kitchen Aid作品,难道就这样完了吗?我什么都不管了,马上把装着水的烤盘拿走,就用普通蛋糕烘烤方式,150度急救吧!皇天不负有心人,花多45分钟,结果急救成功!太高兴,太兴奋了!老公说我是把死马当活马医...他真坏!还好他欣赏这蛋糕,我就饶他这一次。哈哈!

  • 70g Orange juice
  • 40g Vegetable oil
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 55g Cake flour
  • zest from 2 oranges
  • 4 Egg yolks + 1 whole egg
  • 150g Egg white
  • 1/4 tsp Cream of tartar
  • 60g Sugar

  1. Line baking sheet at the bottom of an un-greased 7 inch square pan and preheat the oven to 160C with a tray of boiling water at bottom rack.
  2. Whisk egg yolks,and vegetable oil until frothy and add orange juice, mix well. Sift in flour and orange zest, mix well set aside.
  3. Using an electric mixer, whisk egg white, cream of tartar and castor sugar till peak form.
  4. Mix 1/3 of meringue with yolk batter with a rubber spatula. Then pour in balance of meringue. Fold gently to mix well.
  5. Pour batter into pan and tap pan lightly to remove air bubbles.
  6. Steam bake for 40 minutes at 160°C and bake for another 20 minutes at lower temperature 140°C.
  7. Remove cake immediately after baked and invert cake on wire rack to cool.

Monday, 19 August 2013

炸鸡 (Fried Chicken)

(Recipe Source:

  • 1.3kg chicken pieces
Marinate ingredients:
  • 1tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1/2tbsp light soy sauce
  • 2 shallot, grated
  • ½” ginger, grated
  • 2tsp salt
  • 2tsp sugar
  • White pepper powder
Flour mixture ingredients:
  • 300g plain flour
  • 2tsp mixed herbs
  • 1tsp cumin powder
  • 1tsp Sweet Hungarian Paprika
  • 1/4tsp five-spice powder
  • 1tsp salt
  • Black pepper powder
  • White pepper powder
  1. Marinate chicken pieces with marinate ingredients at least 4 hours.
  2. Mix flour mixture ingredients in a large bowl. Set aside.
  3. When ready to cook, prepare a basin of clean water and a colander.
  4. Toss chicken pieces with flour and press firmly and hard on the chicken as to let more flour stick on chicken pieces.
  5. Place floured chicken pieces in the colander, put the colander in the water and immediately lift it up, remove excess water.
  6. Place wet chicken pieces back to the flour, again toss the chicken with flour and press firmly and hard on the chicken as to let more flour stick on chicken pieces.
  7. Heat enough cooking oil in a pot over medium high heat. Once oil is hot, reduce heat to Low to medium( I use Low heat), then put in the floured chicken pieces, deep fry for 10mins. Then increase heat to High, continue to deep fry for 2-3mins or until golden brown. (** in order to have crunchy crust, chicken pieces must be fully submerged and covered by hot oil. The last 2-3mins deep fry on High heat is to remove oil and to have less oily fried chicken).
  8. After frying, place chicken on a wire rack to remove excess oil. The fried chicken stayed crisp for at least 1 hour.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

菜豆饭 (Long Bean Rice)

材料 (A):
  • 1杯 白米 ,2杯 水(先把饭蒸熟备用)
材料 (B):
  • 6-10粒 小葱头(切片)
  • 1汤匙 蒜米
  • 300克 菜豆(切小粒)
  • 1个 腊肠 (切片)
  • 猪肉(切丝,用少许盐,玉米粉,五香粉腌制)
  • 适量 盐
  • 少许 生抽
  1. 热油,把葱头炸至金黃色,捞起备用。
  2. 把蒜米爆香,加入猪肉和腊肠炒香。
  3. 再加入菜豆,适量的盐和少许生抽调味,炒到菜豆颜色略為变深一点。
  4. 最后加入蒸熟的白饭一起翻炒,再撒上炸好的葱头,即可上桌。

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

梅菜扣肉 (Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables)

  • 半斤 梅菜干
  • 一罐 罐头红烧扣肉
  • 叉烧或烧肉
  • 适量 生抽,糖,黑酱油
  1. 梅菜干用水浸泡10分钟,彻底洗净后。
  2. 热锅,加少许油把蒜米爆香,再加入梅菜干和叉烧,烧肉炒片刻。
  3. 倒入一罐罐头红烧扣肉和水,加入调味料,焖一小时即可。